What is Oil Coven?
Oil Coven is an online circle of witches from around the world, brought together by our mutual commitment to leveling up with plant magic.
We work with plant magic in the form of Young Living essential oils to level up our physical, mental, and emotional wellness; our magic and manifestations; and more. Oil Coven has also become an answer to our collective need for deeper community, and for friendship and connection with like-minded magic-makers. And for those of us who choose to put on the boss witch hat, Oil Coven has also become a path to increased prosperity and abundance.
When you join Oil Coven, not only do you get a 24% member discount on everything Young Living (seriously the highest quality plant magic around!), you’ll also be invited to participate in our exclusive Discord server and online events.
Our events range from Moon Circles and Potions Club to Oil Magic 101 classes and Magical Show & Tell! Not only will you be welcome at all future events, you’ll also have access to an entire library of past recorded zoom classes for your edification. Plant Magic + Witchy Friends + Education + Fun = Oil Coven!

How Do I Join Oil Coven?
Joining Oil Coven is as simple as saying YES to plant magic!
Inviting the magic of Oil Coven and Young Living essential oils into your everyday life can help you transform your reality in all sorts of ways. This journey has helped me level up my wellness, my magical practice, my community, and my abundance—and I know this is only the beginning!
Are you ready to take your life to the next level?
To learn more about how Oil Coven can transform YOUR life, pick a card (or two, or four).

Level Up Your Wellness
Health and wellness are fundamental to our personal power; when our health is compromised, our ability to manifest our dreams diminishes.
For the longest time, I simple could not manifest the things that really mattered to me. I felt like I was wasting the best years of my life devoted to things I did not care about just to pay rent in a city I didn’t have the time, energy, or money to enjoy. I was frustrated, I was tired, and I was afraid I might be stuck that way forever.
I needed a major shift, but I lacked the willpower and energy to make big changes in my life. But as a 0° Sagittarius sun, giving up was not an option. I was not about to look back on my life in old age (assuming I even made it that far, which was a bold assumption given how I was feeling) and think,
“Wow, there was so much that I wanted to do that I never even really went for. I never became the person I always felt I was meant to be, and now I’ll never know if I could have, because I didn’t really try my best.“
Oof. That was not a reality I was willing to settle for.
So, I decided to make small, impactful changes.
I reduced my coffee intake, drank more water, and began supplementing with Ningxia Red. I started a mission to eliminate “fragrance” and other toxins from my daily routine.
Buying my Young Living starter bundle was my way of gasping for air when I felt like I was drowning. I knew it would smell nice and help me DIY some replacements for toxic products I had been using before, but it turned out to be so much more than that. Once I started playing with the oils, I found natural solutions to stress, sleep issues, skin troubles, low energy, and more.
The results were transformative! Wellness became simple and accessible, little by little. As I prioritized my health, my energy surged, allowing me to pursue my dreams with renewed vigor. With my wellness largely restored, my personal creative power returned, and my long-held visions began to manifest.
Small changes add up over time to create major shifts, and can make all the difference.
Are you ready to experience the magic of small changes?

Level Up Your Magic
I have been drawn to magic for as long as I can remember.
As a child, that meant playing dress up, making potions, trying to levitate chalk like Matilda, and waiting (in vain) for my Hogwarts letter.
As an adult, this has meant studying different magical traditions, recognizing the truth hidden between the lines of myths and fairy tales, forging my own spiritual path and witchcraft practice, and finding as many ways as possible to merge the magical and the mundane in everyday life.
Since discovering Young Living for myself, essential oils have become a huge part of how I weave magic into my daily rituals (formerly known as “routines”).
Essential oils are not only the most potent form of plant magic, they are also insanely easy to use on the go and in a variety of applications across everyday life. As a form of magic, they are extremely discreet—unlike so many other magical tools and methodologies, no one will ask “isn’t that devil stuff?” They’ll just be asking why you always smell so dang good!
People ask me all the time how my life manages to feel so magical. The answer is that it’s a choice. It’s a choice I make every day to sprinkle in magic at every turn—and oils make this so much easier to do.
I make magic every day & make the everyday magical by pairing oils & affirmations like little spells throughout the day, by diffusing oils to cleanse, elevate, & attune the energy of my home, by wearing an energy shield as a perfume, and by rolling on my obsidian-charged immune support potion in the shape of a protection rune.
I could go on, but the point is this: the overall effect is monumental, but the daily choices to make life more magical are small & easy, and you can make them, too.
You just have to decide that you crave a magical life deeply enough to actually create it for yourself.
So… do you want it?
If you’re ready to make your life a thousand times more magical with the help of a few little bottles of plant magic, a coven of oil witches standing beside you, & some small but powerful choices, click the button below:

Level Up Your Community
Imagine a community of magic-makers, connected all across the world in perfect love and perfect trust by their dedication to leveling up with plant magic.
Imagine a circle of witches who share their knowledge freely with one another, who do not judge each other for what they do not know, and who are always seeking growth and gaining wisdom.
Imagine a coven where mutual respect trumps authority, where come-as-you-are is the name of the game, and where the only real rules are that you play nicely with others, take personal responsibility, and claim your power.
That community exists, and it’s called Oil Coven. There is room for you in our circle.
I thought I didn’t need community. I thought I could do it all myself.
Not only that, I thought I HAD to do it all myself… but I had another thought coming!
Trouble was, I had always dreamed of joining a coven—a group of witches to share & practice magic with, to teach & to learn from; a space I could be held by & help hold; a magical community where differences of tradition, perspective, and opinion enhanced our shared practices rather than confounding them… but you can’t have a coven of one. You need other people.
Turns out, I didn’t want to do everything alone, I was just afraid that no one wanted to do this with me.
Turns out, I was super wrong. I soon discovered that there are so many witches out there craving the exact same thing. So, with the support of my fellow boss witches, I created the online coven of my dreams.
One thing that unites all Oil Coven members is that at one point, every single one of us made the decision that we were ready for a change, and we were ready to take responsibility for making that change happen.
We were ready to level up.
And when you’re ready to level up—in whatever aspect of your life—you want to be surrounded by other people who are committed to leveling up, too... because if you’re not, the people around you will hold you back & drag you down, whether they mean to or not.
There is something absolutely magical about what happens when multiple people bring passionate energy to a common purpose—it’s not additive, it’s exponential.
Part of the magic of Oil Coven is the activation of our individual goals as part of the collective vision. When you show up ready to ascend to new levels of being you, the coven rises to the occasion. When you show up, the coven shows up to meet you. And if you think you might be ready but you’re still battling fear? Well then, surrounding yourself with a coven full of witches who are leveling the fuck UP is a darn good way to inspire & motivate yourself to kick your butt into gear and do the same.
And if you’re waiting for a sign, THIS is your sign. It’s time.
I have made friends through Oil Coven whom I would not hesitate to count among my best and closest bosom friends. Forever friends. You know that feeling when you feel like you’ve been friends with someone FOREVER and then you realize it hasn’t been that long at all? When you find your people, not only do you feel like you’ve known them since forever, you just know you always will.
Oil Coven is my people… and if you’re anything like me, we might be your people, too.
This is your call to step into a circle of perfect love and perfect trust, 💖 and to start making magic alongside the community your soul craves.
If you’re ready to enter the circle, click the button below:

Level Up Your Abundance
Once you’ve said “yes” to the plant magic and shown up as a member of our magical community in perfect love & perfect trust, the likelihood that you’re going to want to share this magic with others… is pretty high. I should know—before I got my oils, I said I’d never do the business.
Never say never!
Turns out, this is basically my DREAM JOB.
I get to work with other witches, creating inspiring educational resources and dreaming up fun events to foster coven community.
I get to work from anywhere, at any time, with some of my favorite people in the whole world, & there’s no dress code.
The only things that determine my paycheck are how committed I am to serving my coven & how consistent I am at showing up.
The more consistent I am, the more my paycheck grows. And I can honestly say that when I’ve taken a year or two to slow down and focus on starting my family, still providing for the existing members of Oil Coven but not so much focusing on growing the coven or my business, I’ve still received paychecks that make a difference for me and my family, and that’s no small thing.
And speaking of taking care of myself & my family, that’s not at odds with my work. In fact, it’s basically on-the-job training! I use Young Living’s natural products on myself & my friends & family so I can teach you how to use them on yours (& so you can teach your friends, & they can teach theirs).
In fact, this job is less like a JOB & more like a rigorous personal development program with a compensation plan. Not to say it’s not work – if you want to get paid like a job, you have to work like a job – but every rank I’ve hit in the company has come as a direct result of developing as a person, as a witch, & as a leader.
Speaking of compensation plans, here’s a recent Young Living Income Disclosure Statement.
But perhaps I’m getting ahead of myself. You don’t have to decide whether or not you want to wear the boss witch hat just yet. Try the products for yourself, level up YOUR life FIRST. Even if you’re itching to get into the business, you’ve still gotta be a customer and love the products first. I just wanted you to know that the Brand Partner opportunity is here for you if and whenever you’re ready to start sharing the magic with others!
If you’re ready to level up YOUR life so you can invite others to share in the magic with you, click the button below:
Who can join Oil Coven?
Anyone who is not already an active member of another Young Living team, who lives in one of the 150+ countries Young Living ships to, and who is 18 years of age or older is eligible to join Oil Coven.
If you were previously a Young Living member but your account has gone inactive after not ordering for 12+ months, you can reactivate your account under a new sponsor and enroller (ID 23669594) through the customer service chat.
If you are currently an active member of another Young Living team, I don’t encourage switching teams. However, you can still access my free educational resources on oil magic, or check out my book, Essential Oil Magic: Natural Spells for the Green Witch by Vervain Helsdottir.
How can I join Oil Coven?
The short answer:
Purchase any Young Living plant magic through my referral link (or use 23669594 as your referral ID at enrollment), and shoot me a message to let me know you’ve joined! Soon after that, you’ll hear from me with your invitation to join the Oil Coven Discord server and access our coven resources.
The long answer:
I want to help make sure you get the best deal and choose the best products to meet your needs! Click here to view my in-depth guide to joining Oil Coven, choosing the best products for you, and getting the best deal possible!
Is Oil Coven actually a coven?
Yes! It’s pretty much exactly as much of a coven as I want or need, personally. We have semi-regular moon circles, educational resources, and a community of magic-makers who love to learn from each other and help each other out. We don’t have a high priestess or anything, and other than a few guidelines for respectful social conduct and taking personal responsibility, there are no rules, no official beliefs, and no one to tell you you’re doing it wrong. Most of us are primarily solitary practitioners, but having a magical community to tap into is truly a beautiful thing. Oil Coven might be too much or too little coven for some, but it’s coven enough for me!
Is Oil Coven a cult?
Lol no. Pretty sure cults have to rely on the existence of an extremely charismatic leader, and Oil Coven just has… well, me. And I actually don’t really like telling other people what to do, which is why Oil Coven is open to magic-makers of all faiths and belief systems (not just my own), and has pretty much the minimum amount of rules and guidelines to ensure that everyone is able to have a good time.
Do I have to sell essential oils to be in Oil Coven?
Nope! Not even one bottle.
Most of our members never sell a single drop of oil, and just purchase the products to use for themselves and their families.
Honestly, though, most of us boss witches who do sell Young Living didn’t start out intending to. We just found that we really loved the products and couldn’t help talking about them. And when we started sharing our passion for plant magic and using it in front of people, those people wanted some of the magic for themselves.
In other words, I’m not out here pushing essential oils on people who really just want to be left alone. I’m just here, making my magic and smelling amazing, and when someone wants some of the good stuff, they know they can get even more good stuff (like access to the educational resources and awesome community of Oil Coven) when they get their oils through me or one of my fellow Oil Coven boss witches. I never push anyone to buy or to sell, but should you ever decide you do want to open yourself to receiving abundance through sharing Young Living, that path will always be open to you!
Why does it cost money to join Oil Coven?
If you mean “why do I have to spend money on something really nice for myself to join Oil Coven,” there are four reasons:
- It Keeps the Quality of Our Community High. The (really very low) barrier to entry ensures that everyone who joins has made a very intentional decision to do so. We don’t end up with random people requesting love spells and hexes left and right, because generally, the people who make the decision to invest in themselves and join Oil Coven know what we’re about, know how to use the resources at their disposal to gain knowledge and wisdom, and are cool with the concept of personal responsibility. Essentially, the fact that there is a cost at all (and it really can be extremely affordable if you play your cards right, which I can help you figure out how to do) keeps the quality of our community and the content shared within it much higher than it might be otherwise. This makes the whole experience better for everyone, and makes it much easier to moderate.
- It Ensure that Coven Members are Willing to Invest in Themselves. To be very clear, you cannot simply send me money and get into Oil Coven. The barrier to entry is very specifically that you invest in yourself, by acquiring some of the highest quality plant magic that money can buy. I want you to invest in yourself, because I believe that you deserve it. I want my covenmates to be people who invest in themselves because they believe they’re worth it. And I want you to have the experience of beautiful and powerful plant magic adding value to your life.
- It Gives Us All One Common Magical Practice. We may not all do candle magic. We may not all use runes. We may not all read tarot, and we don’t all sing to the moon. We’re not all gardeners, or kitchen witches, or shamanic journeyers. Members of the coven work with many different deities and spirits, and follow many different traditions (or no tradition at all). But we can all connect to the magic of mother earth and to each other through our common oil magic practices. Something as simple as a scent tent at the beginning of a moon circle can really help unite coven members across miles and time zones, traditions and circumstances. It’s a magic that grounds and centers us, and helps us attune our energy for the purpose at hand. It may be a small magic and sound inconsequential, but it makes a big difference. Once you try it, you’ll understand.
- It Allows Coven Leadership to Be Compensated for Their Work. Hosting events, moderating a Discord server, and creating educational resources isn’t free. In addition to actual monetary costs that go into upkeeping the virtual covenstead, a TON of time and energy goes into holding space, creating resources, and providing education for coven members. We (my fellow boss witches and I) do it because we love it, and if we were only in it for the money we all would have quit a loooooong time ago… but making a small commission whenever our members decide to invest in more plant magic for themselves helps keep the virtual lights on, so to speak.
Aren’t essential oils just fancy placebos that smell nice?
No, although that is what I thought when I started using them. Then, the more I used them, the more I experienced, and the more I learned. Turns out, there are actually a bunch of studies showing that essential oils can do more than I used to think… but the studies don’t even begin to encompass the totality of what I’ve experienced.
Even if essential oils were just fancy placebos that smell nice, that would still be pretty cool. The placebo effect is super real, and is a very useful magical tool to have at your disposal! Even if that’s all they were, I would still want oils that weren’t contaminated with synthetic fragrance, pesticides, and mystery chemicals… because you know what else is real? The carcinogenic and hormone-disrupting effects of synthetic fragrance on the human body. That’s why I only trust and use Young Living – their Seed to Seal Promise is the gold standard for quality, and no other brand comes close.
But seriously, no.
Will essential oils magically fix all my problems?
Also no. Unfortunately, I haven’t yet found the universal magic fix for all problems. If I do, I’ll let you know.
That said, Young Living essential oils HAVE been instrumental in helping me develop healthy sleep habits, supporting my immunity and digestion, helping me manage really big emotions, and helping me detoxify my life by replacing toxic products with plant-based alternatives. They also add a lot of magic and beauty to my life!
More Questions?
If you have any questions about Oil Coven, Essential Oil Magic, or Young Living Essential Oils, feel free to shoot me a message using the contact form below.