Let your inner kitchen witch loose with this energy cleansing green juice! Formulated for lymphatic support and energetic cleansing, this Purification Potion somehow manages to also be delicious.

This post contains affiliate links, which means I earn a small commission on qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you.
No part of this post or any part of this website constitutes medical advice. I am simply sharing my personal experiences in the hopes that they can help inspire you to live a better and more magical life.
I have a confession to make.
The truth is that initially, I only developed this energy cleansing green juice recipe to meet a need for lymphatic support and physical cleansing.
But while I had only set the intention to physically cleanse my body, and I hadn’t explicitly intended to cleanse my aura or energetic body, I was nevertheless experiencing the spiritual and energetic cleanse alongside the physical.

And so the thought occurred to me… what if I did explicitly set that intention?
What if I crafted this green juice from the very beginning with the intention and the will that it cleanse my energy and refresh my spirit, as well as support my physical body in its natural postpartum recovery process?
What if I created this green juice intending from the very outset to create a Purification Potion?
So, I fiddled around with it until I had not only a recipe, but a ritual, too. A ritual for the crafting of a potion that would support physical energy and overall health, catalyze energetic cleansing and purification, and taste good, too.
And thus the Purification Potion was born.
Now, I love my vegetables as much as any kitchen witch, but I typically prefer them roasted, sauteed, or dipped in hummus. I’m not usually a green juice kind of gal if we’re talking straight celery, spinach, and spirulina.
But this potion is one I’d consider drinking for fun, even if I didn’t strictly speaking need it.
Then again, who doesn’t need regular energetic cleansing and purification? It’s almost never a bad idea, and this potion is magically potent, pretty dang healthy, and frankly delicious.
In this post, I’ll teach you how to make this energy cleansing green juice I now call my Purification Potion, and a simple ritual for getting the most out of it once you’ve made it.
But before that, I’ll share a little bit about the magical properties of the six main ingredients that make up this potion: celery, cucumber, lemon, apple, spearmint, and sea salt.

Table of Contents
- Celery for Physical & Energetic Cleansing
- Sea Salt for Purification and Protection
- Cucumber for Cleansing, Peace, & Healing
- Lemon for Cleansing & Purification
- Apple for Love (and a Little Sweetness)
- Spearmint for a Fresh Start
- Putting It All Together (Equipment & Methods)
- Drinking the Potion
- Recipe Card
- Bibliography
Let’s go through the ingredients one by one.
Celery for Physical & Energetic Cleansing

Magically, there doesn’t really seem to be a historical correspondence between celery and purification (at least that I’ve found), but in the modern world, there’s no question that celery is generally associated with good health, detoxification, and cleansing. This may relate to its fiber content, water content, and electrolyte content.
Additionally, in Traditional Chinese Medicine, celery is said to purify the blood, cleanse the kidneys and bladder, and energize the body,1 and Eastern medicine often seems to come to correct conclusions long before Western science ventures to even begin exploring in the same direction.
There are certain advantages to an “if it works, it works” approach over a “false until proven true” approach.
Since it was used in Ancient Greece to make crowns for the winning athletes at the Nemean Games, celery can also be said to have associations with victory and success. The Purification Potion I’m crafting is not primarily a success working, but it seems to me that spell ingredients associated with victory would be beneficial additions to most (if not all) benevolent magical workings.
Did witches chew celery seed to keep from falling off their brooms?
Click here to read more about the Magical Properties of Celery for Kitchen Witchery & Green Witchcraft

A quick Google search on the material benefits of drinking celery juice reveals a number of sources warning you not to switch to the exclusively celery juice lifestyle,2 but the fact that it’s not a good idea to consume nothing but celery juice seems both self-evident and unrelated to the question of whether or not celery juice may have benefits for the lymphatic system or detoxification in general.
At the end of the day, I’m a kitchen witch, not a scientist. I know for sure that a couple glasses of green juice is not bad for me, especially considering I’m still eating my normal, mostly organic, nutritionally rich and diverse diet. And magically, I’m a big believer in the power of faith and intention.
Celery is the main ingredient in this purification potion, and its refreshing and cooling nature lends itself well to such a potion. I expected it to work, but I didn’t expect to like it – and yet, I find that I do!
Cucumber for Cleansing, Peace, & Healing

In his Encyclopedia of Wicca in the Kitchen, Scott Cunningham states that cucumbers can be a peace-inducing component of a diet and suggests eating them for stress relief.
Additionally, he suggests “eat[ing] cucumbers while recovering from illness to speed the healing process,” visualizing while you eat.6
In Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs, he also mentions that eating fresh cucumber can cool sexual appetite, and that cucumber peels on the forehead can provide relief from headaches.5
All of these things seem related to cleansing and purification in some way. For example, clearing away stress to make room for peace, and purifying a body of desire and pain.
However, what interested me most in my research to validate the intuitive choices I made in developing this Purification Potion recipe is the Japanese annual tradition of the Cucumber Purification Ceremony, in which blessed cucumbers are used as a vessel for removing physical ailments.
Cucumber Purification Ceremony
Each year, for two days in July, anyone can attend the Cucumber Purification Ceremony at the Gochizan Renge-ji Temple in Kyoto, Japan. (Knowing this now, it seems like a rather grievous oversight that the summer semester of Japanese I took abroad in college did not feature this ceremony as part of our trip to Kyoto.)
Visitors line up and pay a nominal fee for a cucumber and the privilege of participating. Each participant writes their name and what ails them on a piece of paper which is pasted to their cucumber. The cucumber is purified and blessed by a monk at the temple, and then each participant takes home their own cucumber with instructions to rub it over the part of their body that requires healing every day for three days, and then bury it in their yard. (Anyone who cannot bury the cucumber in their own yard for whatever reason is welcome to leave it at the temple.)
Since the sources I found describing this ceremony were an English translation of a Japanese newspaper announcing the event to people who probably already understand its cultural context and significance (or who take it for granted) and a letter from the editor-style journal article written by someone who very obviously doesn’t believe in it, it’s hard to say whether the Japanese beliefs around this practice ascribe any of the healing powers of this multi-day ritual to the nature of the cucumber itself, or if the cucumber is just a convenient vessel for the process and the monk’s blessing is what matters most.
Either way, the cucumbers in this process are used for healing and purifying the body from illness and injury, and have been for hundreds of years, which seems to substantiate (or at least corroborate) Cunningham’s statement of the purported healing powers of cucumber, of which this recipe takes advantage.
This ceremony inspired me to include the step of energetically cleansing and blessing not just the cucumber but all the produce before adding them to the potion, so that they could be more ready to draw out and absorb any impurities or negativity in my energetic body.

Lemon for Cleansing & Purification
Lemon juice and Lemon essential oil both have cleansing and purifying properties.
Even the non-magic folk know it. Walk down the cleaning products aisle at the grocery store and you’ll be bombarded by the scents of “fresh linen,” “spring breeze,” and lemon.
Sometimes these (mostly horrible) products even contain some actual lemon essential oil, since its cleansing powers cannot be denied even by these companies that seem to truly despise nature and all things good & beautiful. (If you hate that aisle of the grocery store as much as I do, click here.)
Use Lemon oil to remove difficult stickers and their gummy residue almost effortlessly.
For a super quick and easy cleansing potion, drink a glass of water with a drop of Lemon Vitality essential oil, a splash of lemon juice, and a pinch of good Celtic Sea Salt.

In addition to drinking lemon water for spiritual cleansing and a boost of energy,6 Scott Cunningham recommends using lemon water as a wash for any items which require cleansing or spiritual purification, such as secondhand amulets and jewelry.5
I could go on about Lemon’s powers of purification, but that’s for another post.
Of all the ingredients in this Purification Potion, lemon is probably the most magically appropriate and necessary, and it does wonders for the flavor, too!
Apple for Love (and a Little Sweetness)
Being totally real and honest, I initially added apple to this green juice recipe just to add a little sweetness and take it from tolerable to truly tasty.
But apples have strong ties to love, immortality, and the goddess Venus, as well as to magic in general.
The ties to love are appropriate because making and drinking a purification potion is a form of self love. I’m mixing up this potion to love on my body when I need it most.
Love and Venus are pretty inseperable, but Venus is also the deity I’ve been working the most closely with for the last year or so, so I’m always happy to invoke or pay homage to her in my workings. Besides, it turns out she’s actually very appropriate to call on in kitchen witchcraft (have you heard of the Vinalia Rustica?).

The Norse gods ate the apples of immortality, guarded by the goddess Idunna in her orchard, to stay forever young. This ancient association has survived in the modern aphorism “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Since this purification potion is essentially a type of health potion (roll two d4?), this seems appropriate.
Then, of course, the apple is one of the first foods I think of when I think of kitchen witchery at all, because cutting it in half cross-wise to see the star in the center is one of the first kitchen witchcraft rituals I adopted into my practice, and I still cut apples that way every single time.
The five-pointed star, symbol of witchcraft and of all five elements together in harmony, exists at the center of every apple. Sometimes it’s very clear with the seeds and the seed cavity, sometimes it’s more of a green pattern in the crisp creamy flesh and harder to discern, but it’s always there.

Speaking of the seeds: every other ingredient in this purification potion can be juiced whole, or without removing any parts. Apple seeds contain amygdalin, which releases cyanide into the bloodstream when the seeds are crushed or chewed. Since a juicer will do its best to crush anything you put through it, avoid putting apple seeds or cores through the juicer. Simply remove and discard the core before juicing the rest of the apple. Personally, I always recommend composting food “waste,” but even if you don’t have an at-home composting system, you can still bury your starry apple cores beneath another plant as a magical offering of love to the earth.
To sum up, an apple is an appropriate way to add a little extra love and magic into your purification potion, the making of which is, in essence, a magical act of self love.

Spearmint for a Fresh Start

Mint has many magical properties and comes in many varieties, but my favorite has got to be Spearmint (Mentha spicata). I feel that Spearmint is the most cleansing and purifying of all the mints, although something like Grapefruit Mint would also be a fine choice if you happen to have it growing in your kitchen witch herb garden.
Spearmint is associated with the element of water and the planet Venus, although it can also be associated with the element of air.
Mint of all kinds can be thirsty in the garden, and uses that water energy to cleanse and purify, washing away negative or old and stagnant energy.
Mint’s air associations are probably due to its menthol content, which gives it a cooling sensation.
Spearmint in kitchen witchery has a cooling and refreshing effect, which adds sensation to the action of cleansing and purifying.
When I was in Morocco visiting the leather tannery in Fez, we were given small posies of spearmint to breathe through. Part of the tanning process involves a LOT of cow urine and pigeon poop, and the spearmint was intended to purify the air of the horrible ammonia smell to make the visit tolerable. I must say, it worked!
While peppermint (Mentha x piperita) has a higher menthol content and perhaps greater medicinal value and a greater cooling effect than spearmint, for applications like this Purification Potion I prefer the gentle green refreshment of spearmint to the sharp candy coolness of peppermint.
The mints are not the strongest energetic cleansers, but they are some of the first that I tend to think of, probably because their cool scent hanging in the air leaves such a distinctly fresh impression. This may just be personal preference, but I tend to think of Peppermint for healing respiratory issues, supporting digestion, and easing pain, whereas I tend to reach for Spearmint to cool, cleanse, and refresh, to multiply money, to cool jealousy, etc. I also tend to prefer peppermint in sweet and dessert applications and spearmint in savory and all-purpose applications.

All that to say, a sprig of spearmint isn’t necessary in this recipe if you don’t have it growing fresh, but it sure is delightful and it absolutely adds a little minty magic that wouldn’t be there otherwise. If you add it, I think you’ll like it.
You can juice your spearmint along with the other ingredients (just don’t do it last), or add a sprig as a garnish at the end. For the best of both worlds, do both.
Sea Salt for Purification and Protection
Salt is most popularly associated with spiritual protection these days, but powers of purification, prosperity, and enhancing other spell ingredients are also attributed to salt.
The more I think about it, the more I think that salt’s magical associations with cleansing, purification, and protection come down to salt’s physical ability to prevent the growth of harmful microbes while allowing the growth of beneficial microbes.
It must have seemed so magical hundreds of years ago to witness that shredded cabbage on its own would become all sorts of nasty and rot away, whereas shredded cabbage massaged with salt would ferment into something nutritionally rich and deliciously delightful.
So that accounts for salt’s magical associations with protection, but what about purification?

Any kitchen witch worth her salt knows that salt can be a powerful ally in drawing out excess moisture. Not only that, but this power to draw out moisture is often used, as with eggplant, to draw out (or balance and neutralize) unwanted bitterness.
Just kidding, you can still be a good kitchen witch even if you didn’t know that until just now, I just wanted to use the “worth her salt” line in the salt section.
Salt’s power to purify food of perceived bitterness can be extrapolated to a magical power to draw out and neutralize spiritual impurities. At least, that’s my hypothesis behind the connection.
Of course, I originally had added a pinch of Celtic Sea Salt to this recipe for the minerals and electrolytes, and to help my body better absorb the celery juice into my system. That said, I’ll happily take the whole package of physical and metaphysical properties.
Putting It All Together (Equipment & Methods)
Maybe it’s obvious, but you’re going to need a juicer, or something to do the juicing. Once you’ve prepared your equipment, you’ll need to prepare your ingredients. Then, you’ll create and consume your potion.
Let’s walk through this one step at a time.

Everything in Divine Timing
Should you desire to work in harmony with the moon, this potion would be best created and consumed during the waning moon. However, any time works, and it’s better to do it when you feel like doing it than to make yourself wait for the perfect planetary alignment and everything, and then end up forgetting about it entirely.
Choose Your Weapon: Standalone Juicer, Attachment, Blender, or Food Processor
When I decided to make this Purification Potion, I didn’t have a juicer and I was pretty hesitant to buy one, since in my brief 32 years on this planet I had already managed to acquire and willingly part with at least two juicers. They’re huge, and single-purpose, and my house is not a juice bar. I’m just not that dedicated to juice to want to have a giant piece of equipment that can’t make anything else.
I thought to myself, Man, I wish there was a juicer that was just a kitchenaid attachment instead of a whole big machine.

I guess wishes really do come true, because there are offbrand juicer attachments made for KitchenAid stand mixers! This is fantastic news, because it means that I can use a machine that I already have and use all the time to power an attachment that does just as good a job of juicing as a standalone juicer does and takes up way less space.
Okay, it might not be quite as good as a solid standalone juicer, but as someone who juices maybe a couple times a month (instead of a couple times a day), it’s definitely good enough for me. (This is the one I got, if you’re looking.)
Juicing With a Blender or Food Processor

I haven’t tried the blender method, so don’t quote me on this, but apparently if you don’t have or want a juicer or a juicer attachment for a stand mixer, you can get a similar effect by subjecting your ingredients to a decently powerful blender or food processor and then squeezing the resulting puree through fine cheesecloth or nut milk bags to separate the desired liquid from the (very compostable) fiber.
Since blenders do best with some liquid in them, you may need to start with a little water, which will dilute your final juice somewhat. You might also want to use bottled organic apple juice and bottled organic lemon juice instead of putting the apple and lemon in your blender, since those ingredients are readily available in juice form and that would put a lot less strain on your blender.
Cleanse & Purify the Produce
If you’re making a Purification Potion, there’s no two ways about it, you’ve gotta cleanse and purify the produce that goes into it.
Starting with all organic ingredients sure helps. Even if you’re not in a position to be buying all or mostly organic produce in general (and trust me, I know what that’s like), I would say for a potion like this that is explicitly intended to cleanse and purify both your body and your spirit, the more clean and pure your ingredients are to begin with, the better.

Once you’ve procured your ingredients, you’ll want to wash them before you do anything else. I use Thieves Fruit & Veggie Soak. We grocery shop once a week, and have made a habit of filling up the sink with cold water as soon as we get home, adding a splash of Thieves Fruit & Veggie Soak, and rotating the produce through the wash until it’s all been soaked, rinsed, and air dried. That way I don’t have to think about it again all week, and I know my produce is clean!
I generally consider the washing of the produce to be enough energetic cleansing, but if you want to perform an extra layer of purification on the produce before you ask it to purify you, this would be the ideal opportunity. Thieves Fruit & Veggie Soak is made with an essential oil blend that features Rosemary, Lemon, and Eucalyptus (plus Cinnamon and Clove), so the plant magic for energetic cleansing and spiritual purification is already there. You could say a few words to focus your intention, however, and to direct the cleansing energy of the wash to act on a magical level as well as the material.
For example, try chanting the following as a produce purification spell:
By water, air, and cleansing oils,
Purify these earthly fruits;
Wash away all grime and soil,
Till nothing can my spells pollute.
Let the Juicing Begin
You’ve picked out your equipment. You’ve purified your produce. Now its time to prepare your potion!

First, cut your produce into small enough chunks to fit comfortably into your equipment. The lemon should be fine just cut into quarters (don’t worry about removing the seeds or peel, as they’re actually quite good for you and the peel is where all the powerfully cleansing lemon essential oil is found!). The apple, on the other hand, should absolutely have the seeds removed.
Apple seeds contain amygdalin, which releases cyanide into the bloodsteam when the apple seeds are chewed or crushed before being swallowed. Since the juicer may crush the seeds, it’s better to remove the apple core first. If you didn’t read this section until after crafting and consuming your potion, you’re probably fine, since you’d need to juice a lot of apple seeds to actually show symptoms of cyanide poisoning. However, it’s best to stay on the safe side. Plus, toxins in a purification potion kind of counteract the whole point of the potion.
Once your produce is in small enough pieces, you’re ready to juice!
If you’re using a juicer attachment like I am, you’ll want to have two containers ready underneath it: one to catch the precious juice that is your potion, and one to catch the extruded fiber. (If you’re using a blender, this doesn’t apply, and if you’re using a standalone juicer, you probably know how it works better than I do!) I actually just moved my stand mixer so that the extruded fiber snake would land in the sink, where it would then be easy to move into the compost.

Then you can start adding ingredients to the juicer.
Whenever I’m adding ingredients to something magical in nature, I like to say what each ingredient is for as I add it to help focus the energy and intention. In a potion like this where almost every ingredient is here for the same reason, I might do a variation of that, asking each ingredient to lend its power to the spell or potion in question.
For example, as you add the first chunk of celery, say “Celery, lend your cleansing power to this purification potion that it may cleanse and purify my body and spirit.” Then as you begin to add the cucumber, “Cucumber, lend your cleansing power to this purification potion that it may cleanse and purify my body and spirit.”
For the apple, you might say “Apple, lend your loving sweetness to this purification potion, that it may cleanse and purify my body and spirit with a gentle, loving hand.” And so on for the other ingredients.

Add the ingredients to the juicer in whatever order you like, with the exception of the spearmint. I just recommend not juicing the spearmint last, since the actual volume of juice it will yield is so low that you may need something else to push it out.
I’ve listed my tested quantities in the recipe card below for the flavor balance that I like, but feel free to taste test and adjust to your personal preference. The sea salt does not need to go through the juicer and can simply be stirred in with a magic word or two. Try “Salt of the deep blue cleansing sea, lend thy cleansing power to me.”
Drinking the Potion

The listed quantities on the recipe card should make about 16oz of undiluted Purification Potion, enough juice for 2-4 servings. You can have all four servings spread out over one day (morning, noon, afternoon, and evening), or have two servings a day (e.g. morning and afternoon) for two days. Or, for a more gentle and gradual effect, start your morning with a dose of Purification Potion four days in a row.
You can also dilute the potion with sparkling water (I like unsweetened lime). This will make it stretch further, and you may also prefer a lighter taste. Also, anything sparkling feels magical, including sparkling water, so even if it’s diluting the potion I think of it as amplifying the magic. I found that about half a cup (4oz) of concentrated purification potion with the same amount of sparkling water was perfect for me.

Before you imbibe each serving of the potion, take a moment to enter a state of mindfulness. Hold the potion in front of you with both hands and visualize it glowing with a bright white purifying light.

You may want to take a moment to speak an incantation such as the following:
By fruit of earth and salt of sea
Potion, cleanse and purify me
By lemon, mint, and celery
I shall henceforth purer be
Then drink the potion, visualizing its purifying light entering your body with each sip. See it traveling through your body to your very core, burning away all spiritual and energetic impurities with its bright light.

Continue this visualization with each sip until the potion is consumed. Repeat as often as necessary.
Taking the time to craft and consume this green juice purification potion will nourish your body as well as elevate your spirit, creating a harmonious balance within. As you sip this vibrant potion, take a moment to reflect on your intentions and be present with the feeling of freshness it brings to your body, mind, and spirit. May this ritual and potion assist you on your journey to clarity and renewal, empowering you to face whatever lies ahead with a fresh perspective.
Cheers to your health and spiritual well-being!

- juicer (for other options, read the full blog post)
- 1 bunch Organic Celery
- 3 Organic Baby Cucumbers
- ½ Organic Lemon
- 1 Organic Apple (I've used both Granny Smith and Honeycrisp, both were great!)
- 1 bunch Fresh Spearmint (one sprig to garnish each serving, plus several sprigs for juicing)
- 16 oz Sparkling Water (Divided. I like lime!)
- 1 pinch Celtic Sea Salt
- Wash & cleanse all produce with Thieves Fruit & Veggie Soak or a homemade vinegar soak.Optionally, say:By water, air, and cleansing oils, Purify these earthly fruits; Wash away all grime and soil, Till nothing can my spells pollute.
- Chop produce into sizes that will fit into your juicer. (Celery stalk and mini cucumbers are probably fine, but lemon should be quartered and apple should have the core removed and the flesh cut into smaller pieces.)
- Juice the apple, cucumbers, lemon, spearmint, and celery in any order you like, but do the spearmint somewhere in the middle or add it simultaneously with a juicier ingredient like apple or cucumber.As you add each ingredient to the juicer, optionally say:Celery, lend your cleansing power to this purification potion that it may cleanse and purify my body and spirit. Apple, lend your loving sweetness to this purification potion, that it may cleanse and purify my body and spirit with a gentle, loving hand.…and so on.
- Add a pinch of Celtic Sea Salt, and optionally say:Salt of the deep blue cleansing sea, lend thy cleansing power to me.Stir well to combine.
- You should end up with about 16oz (2 cups) of juice. To serve, fill a glass with 4oz (½ cup) juice and 4oz (½ cup) sparkling water. Garnish with a sprig of spearmint.
- Before you imbibe each serving of the potion, take a moment to enter a state of mindfulness. Hold the potion in front of you with both hands and visualize it glowing with a bright white purifying light.Optionally, say:By fruit of earth and salt of sea, Potion, cleanse and purify me; By lemon, mint, and celery, I shall henceforth purer be.Then drink the potion, visualizing its purifying light entering your body with each sip. See it traveling through your body to your very core, burning away all spiritual and energetic impurities with its bright light.Continue this visualization with each sip until the potion is consumed.

- “Celery (Qin Cai).” https://www.whiterabbitinstituteofhealing.com/herbs/celery/
- Cleveland Clinic. (2024). Celery juice is a trendy detox drink, but does it actually have benefits? Retrieved from https://health.clevelandclinic.org/celery-juice-is-a-trendy-detox-drink-but-does-it-actually-have-benefits
- “Cucumber (Huang Gua).” https://www.whiterabbitinstituteofhealing.com/herbs/cucumber/
- “Cucumbers Sealing Services to Return Illnesses to Soil (Saijo-Shi, Ehime Prefecture) (Aug. 7, 2016).” The Japan Agri News, The Japan Agricultural News, 23 Sept. 2016, english.agrinews.co.jp/?p=5251.
- Cunningham, Scott. (1985). Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs. Llewellyn Publications.
- Cunningham, Scott. (2002). Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Wicca in the Kitchen. Llewellyn Publications.
- Dietz, S. Theresa. The Complete Language of Herbs: A Definitive & Illustrated History. Wellfleet Press, an Imprint of The Quarto Group, 2024.
- Feldman, Mitchell D. “From the editors’ desk: Religion, health and cucumbers.” Journal of General Internal Medicine, vol. 26, no. 11, 26 Nov. 2011, pp. 1237–1238, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11606-011-1845-z.
- Kirk-Smith, M.D., and D.A. Booth. “Effect of androstenone on choice of location in others’ presence.” Olfaction and Taste VII, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/332029730_Effect_of_androstenone_on_choice_of_location_in_others’_presence.
- Wikipedia. “Androstenone.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Androstenone
- Wikipedia. “Wreaths and crowns in antiquity.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wreaths_and_crowns_in_antiquity