This tarot spread for Sagittarius season invites you to look inward and upward, to engage in personal growth by harmonizing your spiritual and material selves, and highlights opportunities for temperance within this practice. Honor the season of the centaur by reading with this tarot spread, crafted to help you shoot for the stars with your feet on the ground.

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Table of Contents
- Sagittarius Season: Expand Your Horizons
- Tarot Spread for Sagittarius Season
- Card by Card Breakdown
- Variations on the Sagittarius Season Tarot Spread
- Sample Readings
- Sample Tarot Reading
- Sample Rune Reading
- More Ways to Play
- The Temperance Card as Significator
- Spiritual Values? Or Simply… Goals?
- Choose Card 1 (The Stars) with a Specific Intention
- After the Reading
- Tarot Journaling
- Spell to Support Your Goal
- Integrate the Wisdom
Sagittarius Season: Expand Your Horizons
Sagittarius season invites us to expand our horizons, to shoot for the moon and reach for the stars, all while keeping our feet planted firmly on the ground. Just as Sagittarius the archer readies his bow and aims toward his goal, it’s a good time for us to reassess our goals for the year, realign our spirits, and take any necessary actions.
However, Sagittarius season is the end of Autumn, which is also a time of death, endings, and quiet reflection. So, it may be that the goals you set out for yourself at the beginning of the year (whether you celebrate the “beginning of the year” at Samhain, January 1, Winter Solstice, or Aries Season) are not so much calling to be rigorously completed as they are asking to be reassessed with grace and an expanded point of view.
Rather than rushing to complete all the tasks you set for yourself when you felt fresh and new, make a focused and concerted effort to eke out the last few steps of anything close to completion, and then reassess the importance of any areas where you didn’t make as much progress as you had intended, allowing yourself time in this quiet season of inner and outer darkness to rest and recoup. Did you simply get sidetracked and distracted from something that is still important to you? Or did your priorities change? (Either way, it’s okay!) Start to think about which goals are important enough to carry over to next year and which ideas can be retired either permanently or temporarily.
Perhaps most appropriately for Sagittarius season, assess your personal and spiritual growth. This season is much more about adventures of the spirit and soul than it is about adventures on a boat or a plane (although those are great, too!). What journeys have you been on over the past year, and how have they changed you? Where is there still room for growth and exploration? These are the goals to focus on moving towards this season. Have you had a chance to integrate the lessons learned from your experiences over the past year? Sometimes we move through things so quickly in the heat and excitement of spring and summer that we learn a life lesson cognitively without actually applying it to our own lives.
This is all a lot to think about, a lot to process… and it’s not always straightforward. Thankfully, I’ve created a tarot spread for Sagittarius season to help you perform your spiritual self-assessment with focus and clarity.
Tarot Spread for Sagittarius Season
This spread invites you to examine your opportunities for spiritual growth and how you can best achieve and integrate your spiritual ideals into your grounded existence this Sagittarius season. Of course, you can perform a reading with this spread at any time of year, but you may find it to be an especially potent and appropriate tarot spread for Sagittarius season.
This is a five card spread based on the imagery of Sagittarius the Archer and the angel of Temperance. (Temperance is the Tarot card associated with the zodiac sign of Sagittarius.) In this five card tarot spread for Sagittarius season, the bigger question of “How can I live out my spiritual values and ideals in an imperfect material world?” is broken down into five micro-questions. Each card will serve as an answer to the micro-questions corresponding to that card’s spread position. The five cards together, by answering all the micro-questions individually, will synergistically answer the overall question asked by the spread.
Shuffle your cards thoroughly, then draw five cards by your preferred method for positions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Are you ready? For each spread position (the numbered and bolded questions) I’ll offer several questions for reflection or ways to think about what the card could mean (the bullets underneath). Here’s the breakdown:

Card by Card Breakdown
- The Stars: What ideals are you aiming for? What highest transcendent value is your guiding star?
- What abstract spiritual values are most important to you?
- Which value or values guide (or do you henceforth choose to let guide) your everyday choices and long term goals and visions?
- Who do you most greatly desire to be? Who is your best/highest/most fulfilled self?
- What do you most greatly desire to accomplish? What are your grand goals?
- The Archer/The Angel: Who do you need to be/what qualities within yourself do you need to cultivate to have the best chance of hitting your target/living out your ideals with integrity?
- What strengths or natural aspects of your personality must come into play to achieve your goals and become your best and highest self?
- What dormant qualities within you must be stirred and awakened for you to be successful?
- Which aspects of your character need to evolve and upgrade for you to reach the starry heights you desire?
- The Earth: How can you ground your ideals in material reality? What might it look like to live out/manifest/realize your ideals in an imperfect world?
- Often our spiritual ideals fall apart when we place them in the material world. How can you adapt your spiritual ideals to the material world so that you can live them out with grace and without cognitive dissonance?
- What practical advice or guidance do the cards have for you to integrate your spiritual ideals into the practical material reality of your everyday life?
- Fire: What opposing energies or influences must both be honored and included, tempering each other, to help you hit your target? (Perhaps the energy this card represents burns too hot and must be tempered with water.)
- Is there an aspect of your personality or your self that has been overly active, which, when tempered, could be crucial to your success?
- Is there something you know you ought to be cutting back on, taming, or cutting out in order to live in alignment with your goals and values, but which you have thus far continued to do (or do in excess)?
- Water: What opposing energies or influences must both be honored and included, tempering each other, to help you hit your target? (Perhaps the energy this card represents runs too cool and must be tempered with fire.)
- Is there an aspect of your personality or your self that has been underactive, which, when tempered, could be crucial to your success?
- Is there something you know you ought to be doing to live in alignment with your goals and values, but which you have thus far not been doing (or not been doing enough)?
Variations on the Sagittarius Season Tarot Spread
- Rune Spread: You can perform this Sagittarius season tarot spread as a rune spread by reading with runes instead of tarot cards (you could also use oracle cards). The concepts are the same, but the symbol language is different, and whereas I suggest the Temperance card as significator if you’re performing a tarot reading, I would suggest Eihwaz as the significator for a rune reading using this spread.
- Combination Reading: If you want, you can combine runes and tarot! Just pull one card and one rune for each spread position and read them together. For example, if I drew Mannaz and the High Priestess for the first position, Mannaz represents humanity and relationships and the High Priestess represents channeling divine guidance and heeding intuition, so I might interpret that as indicating that the value or spiritual ideal this spread is highlighting for me is the quality of divine grace. That is, having grace and compassion for myself and others, recognizing our fragile humanity along with the divine spark that burns in each of us, withholding judgment in favor of curiosity, and trusting the divine guidance I receive despite my own human fallibility. This can be a really powerful way to read, since the card and the rune each convey a piece of that message on their own, but the combination of card and rune bring a whole new level of depth to every single spread position in a reading.
Sample Readings
Here are two sample readings with this Sagittarius season tarot spread, including one that uses it as a rune spread:
Sample Tarot Reading
As an example, I drew Freedom (The Chariot), the Six of Pentacles, the Spirit (King) of Cups, the Five of Swords, and Strength for this Sagittarius season tarot spread. (These cards are from The Intuitive Night Goddess Tarot.)

- The Stars: VII Freedom (The Chariot)
The value or ideal represented here could be interpreted as either freedom/independence or progress/forward action depending on the person, or it could be a combination of both. - The Archer: Six of Pentacles
In order to achieve this goal of freedom, the querent must first learn to accept and participate in the necessary alchemy of giving and receiving. We achieve freedom BECAUSE of our relationships and support systems, not in spite of them. - The Earth: Spirit of Cups (King of Cups)
Stay grounded in love, don’t lose touch with your empathy and emotions just because you’re focused on progress at all costs. The kind of progress and/or freedom you want does not come “at all costs,” and losing touch with your heart would be too high a cost. Besides, then you might find that you are completely free and progressing forward at an impressive rate only to realize you’ve forgotten why you wanted to in the first place. - Fire: Five of Swords
Once again the idea of “winning at all costs” comes up. Don’t fall prey to this temptation. Drive is good, drive is your friend, but temper it and cool it before it becomes ruthlessness. - Water: VIII Strength
The thing about Strength in the tarot is that it so rarely represent brute strength, force, or physical prowess. The kind of Strength represented by this card, and which this card asks our querent here to embolden, is courage and endurance fueled by love, purpose, and commitment.
Sample Rune Reading
To demonstrate this Sagittarius season rune spread, I drew Kenaz, Fehu, Jera, Raido, and Ehwaz for a sample reading. (This is my fluorite rune set, and you can find a similar set here.)

- The Stars: Kenaz
The valued ideal represented by Kenaz here could be creativity. The querent values creativity and creative practice, as well as knowledge, learning, and skill. - The Archer: Fehu
To live out the ideal of creativity, the querent must live into the energy of Fehu, investing their resources and energy into the things they wish to see grow. Cultivate an awareness of where your time and resources are going so that you can prioritize according to your values. - The Earth: Jera
This is the harvest rune, and can represent reaping what you sow, aka the concept that you get out of something proportionately to what you put in. If you value creativity, you must take in inspiration. If you value creative output, you must spend time and resources playing creatively. If you value knowledge, you must spend time learning. - Fire: Raido
While it’s beneficial to have a routine and there are plenty of good reasons to stay on the straight and narrow path, Raido in the Fire position suggests freeing yourself up a little. Open up some spaces in your routine for free flow. - Water: Ehwaz
Ehwaz in the Water position suggests that harmonic collaboration and partnership could be beneficial in this instance. To get your creativity flowing more consistently, consider collaborating with someone creatively so that you can inspire and play off of each other. Alternately, this could suggest a divine partnership – how can you invite Spirit into your creative practice?
Do you need a new perspective? Someone to help you navigate the cloudy waters of your own spiritual sea? I’d be honored to read for you! To book a reading with me, click here. If you’d like a reading done with any of the spreads I share on my blog, just mention it in the notes when you add the reading to your cart.
More Ways to Play
Below you’ll find a couple suggestions for practices to incorporate as part of this reading.
The Temperance Card as Significator

A significator in a tarot reading is typically a card you choose intentionally to represent yourself in the reading. The cards you pull as part of the reading are then pulled around it. However, when performing readings inspired by the astrological seasons, I like to use the tarot card associated with the astrological season as a sort of significator, not for myself, but for the reading.
I invite you to do the same for yourself when you use these spreads, if you are using a tarot deck. (You can also use my spreads with oracle cards, runes, Lenormand, or other similar divinatory tools.) Simply pull out the Temperance card (typically card XIV in the major arcana), and place that at the top of your reading before you begin.
Then you can use the Temperance card to help you visualize the rest of the spread, as cards 4 & 5 correspond to the the chalices in the angel’s hands, the vessels which hold the substances (or in this case, qualities) to be tempered and balanced through the alchemical process of temperance.
If you are using runes, I suggest Eihwaz as significator. Certain oracle decks may also have appropriate cards to use as a Temperance-like significator, but I’ll leave that up to you to determine in each particular case. If you want, you can use the Temperance card as a significator for the spread and still pick another significator for you as a person.
This is all totally optional and totally up to you! If all this significator talk is confusing, feel free to just skip it and move on.
Spiritual Values? Or Simply… Goals?
You can use this spread for either. If card 1 (The Stars) represents a spiritual value you hold and desire to integrate better, then the rest of the spread will help you figure out how to harmonize your spiritual ideals with your material existence.

On the other hand, if you choose to use that first card to represent a goal you have (which could be a spiritual goal, a career goal, a relationship goal, a creative goal, a financial goal… anything, really), then the other cards will help you figure out who you need to be and what you need to temper within yourself in order to achieve that goal.
Both versions of the spread are totally valid and both can be very useful depending on your needs. Trust your own intuition this Sagittarius season to guide you to which approach is right for you… or trust the cards to tell you about whatever you most need guidance on.
Choose Card 1 (The Stars) with a Specific Intention
Of course, we always choose tarot cards in a reading with care and intention, but this time I mean it a little differently. That is, instead of blindly drawing a card for position 1 by intuition alone and allowing it to reveal itself to you, consider choosing a specific card for this position purposefully based on a goal or value you have consciously chosen.
For example, if you know you have a goal to take control of your finances, you could place Fehu or the King of Pentacles in position number 1, and then shuffle and pull the rest of the cards with the intention to create a sort of map leading you towards that King of Pentacles energy.
After the Reading
Once you’ve completed your reading, you might be left wondering, what’s next? Not to worry! Here are a few suggestions for how to move forward. The last one is the most important!
Tarot Journaling
I always recommend journaling during and after a reading. Make note of the questions you asked, which cards came up in which position, and how you interpreted them. A little sketch is always helpful, or you can use some tarot stickers instead!

Journaling your readings means you can look back on them later, which can be especially helpful if you feel like you keep getting the same card or cards over and over again, if you learn something new about a card and want to see how it applies, or if you have new insights that might help you understand and interpret your cards better. Its also good to have a written reminder of the wisdom you are meant to be integrating, and it can be interesting to go back and see how you interpreted the cards at the time of reading. Plus, the simple act of writing out the reading and the wisdom gleaned helps it to stick in your mind better.
Spell to Support Your Goal
You may also wish to do a simple spell to assist you in achieving your goal or integrating your ideals. You may find it helpful to utilize the imagery of the Sagittarian archer or the angel of Temperance in your spell. I think the best spells are the ones you write yourself, but if you’d like me to create a post about what this sort of spell could look like, let me know in the comments! I want to create the content that helps you make your everyday life more magical, so it’s always good to hear what would be helpful directly from you!

Integrate the Wisdom
Journaling and spellwork can help you achieve your highest potential, but they’re not the only paths to the top. Far from it! The most important thing you can do after a reading is incorporate the answers you receive and the lessons you learn into the way you live your life moving forward. This looks different for every person and every reading, and it’s not something I can tell you how to do in a blog post.
If you desire personalized guidance and support in completing and integrating a reading like this, you might be interested in my divinatory coaching services. In our sessions together, I help my clients have the most helpful readings possible by co-creating empowering questions and digging deep, but that’s not all. I also make sure all my clients leave with an action plan: specific steps you can take to integrate the wisdom from your reading into your everyday, so you can have a better and more magical quality of life.
Divinatory Coaching Session$111.00
Add-On: Recorded Session$22.00
Basketcase Reading$22.00 – $44.00
That’s all for now! I hope you found this tarot spread for Scorpio season and the rune spread variation to be helpful. If you use them, I’d love to hear about how it goes for you in the comments below!
Until we meet again – be well, seek beauty, and leave a little magic wherever you go.

P.S. Pick your favorite colorway of the tarot spread graphic below and pin it to your Pinterest boards for tarot and astrology!