Crafted to help you discover the imbalances and opposing interests in your life and bring them gracefully into balance, these tarot spreads for Libra season and the full moon in Aries are the perfect guides to inspire your divinatory practice as Autumn settles upon us. These spreads also work great with runes and oracle cards!

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As we embrace Libra season, the astrological season of harmony, relationships, and balance, it’s the perfect moment to reflect on the areas of our lives where there may be imbalances. Through awareness and mindful action, we can then bring our relationships and our lives back into a state of balance and harmony. To this end, I offer you two simple-but-powerful three-card tarot spreads for Libra season:
The first spread invites us to examine the out-of-balance energies in our lives, encouraging us to realign ourselves with our true goals and desires.
The second spread, designed specifically for the Full Moon in Aries, helps us navigate the delicate dance between our individual needs and those of our loved ones.
Of course, you can use these spreads any time of year, but they are particularly appropriate for Libra season and the full moon in Aries.
Grab your own tarot or oracle deck and join me in exploring these tarot spreads to foster awareness, balance, and deeper, more harmonious connections during this transformative season!
Table of Contents
- Libra Season: The Season of Balance, Harmony, & Relationships
- Tarot Spread for Libra Season
- Tarot Spread for the Full Moon in Aries
- More Ways to Play
- After the Reading
Libra Season: The Season of Balance, Harmony, & Relationships
Libra season, the time when the Sun is in the sign of Libra, typically runs from September 23 to October 22. It takes place during the first month of Autumn each year.
Libra is associated with the principles of balance, harmony, and beauty, which makes Libra season a great time to examine the imbalances in our lives so that we can bring our lives back into a state of balance and harmony. These associations with balance and harmony make Libra season the astrological season of relationships, making it a good time to revisit and harmonize the key relationships in our lives, as well.
The tarot card that corresponds to the sign of Libra is the Justice card. The justice tarot card or, more specifically, the scales of justice are the inspiration for these Libra season tarot spreads.

Tarot Spread for Libra Season
This spread invites you to examine the out-of-balance energies in your life, and offers wisdom to assist you in bringing them back into balance. Knowledge is power, and awareness is the first ingredient in the recipe for change. By achieving awareness of your energetic imbalances, you can then begin to bring your life back into a state of harmonic balance and realign yourself with your true intentions, goals, and desires. Only then can you reach your own highest potential.
This is a three card spread. In it, the bigger question of what is out of balance and how to fix it is broken down into 3 sets of micro-questions. Each card will serve as an answer to the micro-questions corresponding to that card’s spread position. The three cards together, by answering all the micro-questions individually, will synergistically answer the overall question asked by the spread.

Shuffle your cards thoroughly, then draw three cards by your preferred method for positions 1, 2, and 3.
Are you ready? For each spread position (the numbered and bolded questions) I’ll offer several questions for reflection or ways to think about what the card could mean (the bullets underneath). Here’s the breakdown:

Card by Card Breakdown
- Left Pan: What energy is being given too heavy of an influence in my life? What is there too much of?
- What am I allowing to have too much power or influence in my life?
- Are there boundaries I say I have or want to have but am not enforcing?
- Do I have any addictions that are claiming too much of my attention and pulling me away from my true purpose?
- Right Pan: What energy is being given too light an influence in my life? What is there not enough of?
- Do I have energetic walls/boundaries up that are keeping out blessings as well as threats?
- Are there things I’ve said I’m committed to which I have not fully committed to with my actions?
- Are there things I know I should be doing in order to align with my highest potential, but I am choosing to ignore them?
- Fulcrum: What wisdom will help me bring these two influences into balance? How can I create harmony?
- What does my highest potential/best possible self look like?
- What are my true goals, desires, and intentions?
- What are my highest and most deeply held values?
- What wisdom have I been resistant to?
- What’s the total opposite of what I’m doing now? How would taking a totally opposite approach be helpful, and how would it be harmful or a hindrance?
Variations on the Libra Season Tarot Spread

Draw for Greater Detail: Each spread position question comes with a list of questions for reflection. Instead of just using these questions to help you interpret the cards you drew, you can use these as questions to draw further cards and help you more deeply understand the wisdom that Spirit is trying to share with you.
Add to the Scale: Is your life (with all due respect) totally out of whack? Try pulling two or three cards for each side of the scale instead of just one. Just be aware: the more cards you pull and the more wisdom you receive, the more overwhelming it can be to integrate that wisdom into your daily life. It may be better to start small unless you know you’re ready for bigger shifts.
Tarot Spread for the Full Moon in Aries
This spread, designed specifically for the Full Moon in Aries (which always takes place during Libra season), helps us navigate the delicate dance between our individual needs and those of our loved ones. The sign of Aries is known for its assertive and pioneering spirit. A full moon is always a time of opposing energies playing out their tension. For the full moon in Aries, this tension involves the moon tugging at your emotional need to embrace your individuality and take bold actions towards your personal goals, while the sun in opposition shines a light on your relationships and the opportunities for greater balance and harmony in your life.
This spread invites you to seek the balance between your individual needs and desires and the needs and desires of your loved ones and the people around you. Only by honoring your own needs and desires can you achieve personal fulfillment and life satisfaction. However, you must also honor the needs and desires of the people you wish to keep in your life if you want to have anyone around to share your joy with.
This is a three card spread. In it, the bigger question of how to balance your individual needs with the needs of your loved ones is broken down into 3 sets of micro-questions. Each card will serve as an answer to the micro-questions corresponding to that card’s spread position. The three cards together, by answering all the micro-questions individually, will synergistically answer the overall question asked by the spread.
Shuffle your cards thoroughly, then draw three cards by your preferred method for positions 1, 2, and 3.
Are you ready? For each spread position (the numbered and bolded questions) I’ll offer several questions for reflection or ways to think about what the card could mean (the bullets underneath). Here’s the breakdown:

Card by Card Breakdown
- Left Pan: What do I need in this season? How can I make sure that I’m honoring myself and my own needs and desires?
- What are my individual goals, both long term and short term?
- Is there anything I need to really commit to in order to progress towards my goals?
- What are my boundaries, or what boundaries do I need to put in place? How can I enforce them?
- What do I require in terms of self care to be at my best?
- What do I need from others to feel loved and honored?
- Right Pan: What do my loved ones need from me in this season? How can I make sure I am honoring my loved ones and their needs and desires?
- Is there anything my loved ones have outright asked for or said they need or want from me?
- What are the points of tension in my relationships and what tends to cause that tension?
- Do my relationships include good communication habits?
- Fulcrum: What wisdom will help me bring these two sets of needs and desires into balance? How can I create harmony?
- What could it look like for everyone in my life to have what they need from each other?
- What could it look like for there to be clear, healthy communication in my relationships in all directions?
- Are there things I am resistant to doing for my loved ones (or vice versa) for emotional reasons even though they would be technically easy to do? Can this emotional resistance be cleared up?
- What is needed (in either direction) that’s totally reasonable and doable?
- In anything being asked (in either direction) that crosses boundaries or is an attempt to be manipulative? If so, can boundaries be enforced and the relationship repaired? Or does the relationship need to end for boundaries to be enforced?
Variations on the Full Moon in Aries Tarot Spread
- Five Card Spread: Spread positions 1 & 2 each have two questions. They are intertwined and closely related enough to be answered together with one card in most cases, but if you prefer a more detailed reading, you can split them up and make this a five card reading. For example, for position one, draw one card for “What do I need in this season?” and a second card for “How can I make sure I am honoring myself and my own needs and desires?”
- Draw for Greater Detail: Each spread position question comes with a list of questions for reflection. Instead of just using these questions to help you interpret the cards you drew, you can use these as questions to draw further cards and help you more deeply understand the wisdom that Spirit is trying to share with you.
- One Relationship at a Time: The spread as written is designed with you on one side of the scale and everyone else on the other side. Depending on your situation, this may be too broad. For more specific guidance, use this spread to read on one relationship at a time. For example, do one reading on your relationship with your mother, and a second reading on your relationship with your spouse.
- Partnership Reading: Team up with your partner or a friend and do this reading together. You can each pull cards for your own side of the scale. For the fulcrum position, you may want to each pull your own card as well, although both cards may apply to both of you (or possibly not).
Sample Reading

More Ways to Play
Below you’ll find a couple suggestions for practices to incorporate as part of this reading.

The Justice Card as Significator
A significator in a tarot reading is typically a card you choose intentionally to represent yourself in the reading. The cards you pull as part of the reading are then pulled around it. However, when performing readings inspired by the astrological seasons, I like to use the tarot card associated with the astrological season as a sort of significator, not for myself, but for the reading.
I invite you to do the same for yourself when you use these spreads, if you are using a tarot deck. (You can also use these spreads with oracle cards, runes, Lenormand, or other similar divinatory tools.)
Simply pull out the Justice card (typically either card VIII or card XI in the major arcana, depending on your deck), and place that at the center of your reading before you begin. Then you can use the Justice card to help you visualize the rest of the spread, as cards 1 & 2 in each spread correspond to the pans on either side of the scales, and card 3 corresponds to the fulcrum, the point in the center on which the balance rests.
If you want, you can use the Justice card as a significator for the spread and still pick another significator for you as a person. This is totally optional and totally up to you! If all this significator talk is confusing, feel free to just skip it and move on.
An Alternate Method of Pulling Cards 1 & 2
You probably have your preferred method of pulling cards for divination. Perhaps you like to shuffle, cut, and then draw from the top of the cut. Perhaps you like to fan out the deck and pull whichever cards speak to your intuition. Any method you like will work for this reading.
However, you might enjoy the following alternate method of pulling cards for these Libra season tarot spreads:
- Shuffle your deck as you normally would.
- Locate the Justice card in your deck, as well as the card directly in front of it and the card directly behind it.
- The card directly in front of the Justice card corresponds to card #1 in the spread.
- The card directly behind the Justice card corresponds to card #2 in the spread.
- Draw card #3 according to your usual method.
After the Reading
Once you’ve completed your reading, you might be left wondering, what’s next? Not to worry! Here are a few suggestions for how to move forward. The last one is the most important!
Tarot Journaling
I always recommend journaling during and after a reading. Make note of the questions you asked, which cards came up in which position, and how you interpreted them. A little sketch is always helpful, or you can use some tarot stickers instead!

Journaling your readings means you can look back on them later, which can be especially helpful if you feel like you keep getting the same card or cards over and over again, if you learn something new about a card and want to see how it applies, or if you have new insights that might help you understand and interpret your cards better. Its also good to have a written reminder of the wisdom you are meant to be integrating, and it can be interesting to go back and see how you interpreted the cards at the time of reading. Plus, the simple act of writing out the reading and the wisdom gleaned helps it to stick in your mind better.
Spell for Achieving Balance
You may also wish to do a simple spell to help you bring the energies or relationships in question into a state of balance. I think the best spells are always the ones you write yourself, but if you’d like me to create a post about spells for achieving balance and what such a spell could look like, let me know in the comments! I want to create the content that helps you make your everyday life more magical, so it’s always good to hear what would be helpful directly from you!

Integrate the Wisdom
Journaling and spellwork can help you achieve your highest potential, but they’re not the only paths to the top. Far from it! The most important thing you can do after a reading is incorporate the answers you receive and the lessons you learn into the way you live your life moving forward. This looks different for every person and every reading, and it’s not something I can tell you how to do in a blog post.
If you desire personalized guidance and support in completing and integrating a reading like this, you might be interested in my divinatory coaching services. In our sessions together, I help my clients have the most helpful readings possible by co-creating empowering questions and digging deep, but that’s not all. I also make sure all my clients leave with an action plan: specific steps you can take to integrate the wisdom from your reading into your everyday, so you can have a better and more magical quality of life.
Divinatory Coaching Session$111.00
Add-On: Recorded Session$22.00
Basketcase Reading$22.00 – $44.00
That’s all for now! I hope you found these tarot spreads for Libra season and the full moon in Aries to be helpful. If you use them, I’d love to hear about how it goes for you in the comments below!
Until we meet again – be well, seek beauty, and leave a little magic wherever you go.