I Prayed for Beauty

As a girl, I prayed for Beauty.
“Goddess, God, Anyone—
Please make me beautiful.

“Give me hair like a river of silk,
Eyes like sparkling gems,
Skin as smooth as milk,
A voice for Angel’s hymns.
Give me soft and supple hands,
Soft feet, and most of all—
Goddess, God, Whomever—
Make me very, very small.”

I was not made beautiful
with rouge and silks and jewels.
I prayed for beauty
and was given strength.

I got hair like ropes of fire,
I got cosmic portal eyes,
I got sun-kisses and speckles,
I got a voice that cannot lie.
I got calluses and stains
On both my feet and both my hands.
I got a heart that listens,
and loves and understands.
I got arms that wrap around the world,
I got a belly like the moon,
I got a voice that can tell stories
and can carry any tune.
The final most important gift
I got is eyes that see
all the beauty and the magic
that resides in you and me.
And I would much prefer
to have the gifts I have received
than to trade my gifts with her
who got the Beauty I conceived.
