Meant for More

I’ve been having trouble telling my story, and I think I finally figured out why.

I was trying to make my story about magic, but my story isn’t about magic. Magic is the universe in which my story takes place. Magic is the breath of my world, the thread that ties everything together. Magic is a big part of my story.

But what my story is actually ABOUT, when I am really willing to look at it, is the feeling deep in the seat of my soul that I am meant for more.

I may not know what exactly my future holds, but I know it’s more than a 9 to 5 and a desk in an office. I know it’s more than supervising baristas and mopping up coffee. I know it’s more than waiting in my hometown forever for adventure to come to me.

I KNOW, with a feverish passion and without a shadow of a doubt, that I am meant for something MORE in this life... and I am finally ready and willing to accept that that MORE is not going to come and find me unless and until I go out and look for it, or create it myself.

MORE doesn’t find people who wait in polite and patient silence. It is available for the taking by those who are brave enough to climb the tree, risk the fall, and pluck it from the branches.

Well, I’m hungry, and I’m on my way.
